Friday, August 31, 2007

When we were in Negros early in August we went up into the mountains to see a power plant. That's a place where they are using steam from under the ground to make electricity so people can have lights in their houses. In this picture I am with Sister Wolf (on the left of the picture), Sister Burton, and Brother Wolf. Over by Brother Wolf is Elder Hankins. He is an "AP" or Assistant to the President. The AP's travel with us almost everywhere we go, and they do a lot of teaching to help other missionaries learn how to work. Sister Burton and her husband are full time missionaries. Brother and Sister Wolf are very good friends, and Brother Wolf is a counselor to Grandpa. I want you all to know that I love being a missionary! I love every single missionary who is in our mission. If they get sick it is my job to help them get better. It is so fun to learn about this country. I know that every person here is a son or daughter of God, and that he loves every one of His children. That's why missionaries are so important. They help people learn about Heavenly Father and what they need to to so they can live with Him again.
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