Friday, August 31, 2007

Do you know what missionaries do all day? They don't just go up and down the street knocking on people's doors. In the morning they get up at 6 o'clock and they exercise and shower and eat their breakfast. Then they have one hour to study the scriptures and Preach My Gospel. See if your Dad has a copy of that so you can look at it. It's a book made by the church leaders to teach missionaires how to be effective. Next companions study together, and then they go out to teach. Every week the missionaries in a district get together and their district leader tells them things they need to know. And every six weeks we have zone conference with two or three zones. In these pictures the missionaries are at a zone conference in Dumaguete. They are practicing how to tell people about our Church and about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. We have 24 Sister missionaries, and 110 Elders. Eighty eight missionaries are Filipinos, and some come from other countries like Malaysia, Tonga, Samoa, Canada and Australia. The rest are Americans.
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